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EPRC Farewells It’s Captain and Welcomes The New Captain - Barış Sanlı & Gökberk Bilgin

Energy Policy Research Center has farewelled its energetic and successful captain Professor Hakan Berument as of last week. Berument has been the head of the center for over 20 months and achieved so much during his tenure that it is hard to summarize in a few paragraphs.

Berument has gathered a team of young researchers as well as industry professionals to boost the center’s position and balance. EPRC’s original contents and research questions were reflecting the policy agenda of Turkey and global energy issues. With over 70 studies, including Bilkent energy Notes, projects, presentations, podcasts, and meetings, Berument has been the captain of the armada.

The journey began with the economics course ECON318 (Seminar in Energy Economics) that Hakan Berument and Serkan Şahin taught together where students worked on a particular project that has the potential to solve Turkey’s one of the energy problems in a specific area. The outcome of the studies was highly promising, and the students had a chance to present their projects in the World Energy Council. Later the Ministery of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey invited the project teams, and the undergraduate students this time presented their projects to Minister Fatih Dönmez himself in a private meeting and received his feedback. Up to now, the course created seven different projects, and it will continue to generate solutions for energy problems.

Furthermore, Berument initiated the policy paper series named Bilkent Energy Notes to develop solutions for the challenges that Turkey faces. With the support from graduate and undergraduate students from various disciplines, universities, and countries, Bilkent Energy Policy Research Center managed to publish 30 different Bilkent Energy Notes in 20 months. These studies also helped students to develop their networks and conduct studies with professionals in the energy sector. Many well-respected specialists and scholars from the Ministery, international companies, and other universities participated. Fifty-seven students had a chance to work on the projects of the EPRC in the summer term.

Other than the Bilkent Energy Notes, EPRC began publishing a weekly newsletter, Synergy, where the students and professionals in the energy sector write articles together. We also have a podcast channel where the specialists discuss the current energy issues.

These accomplishments can not be attributed to the hard work of a single man. But his dedication to team sport and brilliance of motivating EPRC personnel will be remembered. So for all his commitment, time, and intelligence, we would like to say a farewell to our captain Prof. Hakan Berument.

Our new captain is no stranger to EPRC, and he is the founding director of EPRC, a well-known economist and a successful scholar. Professor Erinç Yeldan has taken over the position as of last week. He is a very well-known environmental economist and has several studies on green energy. With his leadership and vision, EPRC will sail to the new horizons.

We wish our best for Professor Hakan Berument for the rest of his life and best of luck to Professor Erinç Yeldan on developing Energy Policy Research Center as a worldwide recognized think-tank institution.


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