A new documentary, Seaspiracy, was released on Netflix last week, which caught viewers' and critics' attention. The documentary was made by the team that produced the award-winning Cowspicay documentary in 2014 but took more massive attention in its first week. Ali Tabrizi, who directed the documentary, sets out to investigate the causes of stranded whales, tragically reveals the invisible face of commercial fishing from whales.
In the last year, dozens of campaigns and documentaries have been made on the disturbances in the world's ecosystem, climate changes, renewable, and fossil energy sources, and recycling. Many of them successfully take people's attention to change their habits to contribute to saving the world's resources. As a social media user, one of the things I have noticed lately has been advertising campaigns aimed at reducing the use of plastic. Many foods and beverage companies have started using recycled paper, reusable materials, and recycled bottles instead of plastic. It is recommended that people stop using disposable products such as one-off cutlery, straws, glasses, bottles. Of course, using recyclable materials and reducing the use of plastic has a significant contribution to the environment, but the documentary reflects a much different reality.
The importance of ocean life mainly comes from the fact that it generated 85 percent of the world's oxygen and creating a vital species environment for animals, corals, and reefs. The common discussions focus on talking about how many forest tree areas are left, how many species extinct but not generally, and our focus is the ocean life. David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet’s documentary has a significant part to highlight how ocean life one of the most requirements for continuing both humans’ and other species’ lives. Seaspiracy looks at the topic from a narrow window to open a larger one to highlight problems and dangers in the ocean with commercial fishing and human activities.
In 2015, land hit whales in cost of Chile’s Patagonia made history as the biggest landfall event of the last century, with a total of 337 whales hitting the land. In those times, scientists assume that the whales were killed because of toxic chemicals in the Gutstein area. Oil and chemical toxins that leak into the ocean due to ship accidents have always been a danger to ocean life. However, after examinations, people realized that the most dangerous thing was not the death of the whales but the amount of plastic that came out of the whales. The documentary director asks how these plastics come from wheals stomach and how microplastics affect every living creature in the ocean.
Thus, more interestingly, Japan commercial wheal hunting news create more deep and complicated questions that need to asks. The difference in Seaspiracy, while comparing the other documentaries, is accused organizations such as Dolphin Safe and Marine Stewardship Council directly. Both organizations' representatives accused the filmmaker of misleading people with a false statement. When the questioning starts from dead whales, the questions increase with dolphins in the water parks and where they come from. In the last few years, people against the zoo and water parks for not separating animals from their natural habitat and preventing mistreatment of animals, but you will see while you are watching the part of the truth contains much bigger problems than water parks.
With the developing technologies, fishing techniques provide more hunting than ever, and it enhances the fishing market over the years. According to the Guardian, overfishing creates 42 billion dollars only coming with tuna fishes in the industry. Overfishing, illegal hunting, killing the same species specifically. Fishing is one of the most vital components in the food chain and people's food sources; therefore, the industry has enormous for hunting, promoting, and selling. The documentary claims that the media has drawn global attention to plastics and fossil fuels to divert people's attention from the enormous environmental damage in the industry, thus causing the extinction of animals and misleading people with inappropriate certificates on food packaging. The question of whether sustainable seafood could even exist creates a controversial discussion between Tabrizi and European Parliament authorities. Since the fishing industry provides crucial economic profits, it also requires economic policies. The tone of the documentary is, in this sense, more critical and serious as unusual.
Although the documentary revealed the fishing industry's striking facts through one-to-one research and various interviews, it caused even controversy from fishing to whether to consume fish or not. In this sense, the filmmaker caught the attention of people with an online platform that is part of the media he criticizes and his documentary, which puts its own research into offensive language. The documentary, which has different features than the usual documentary structure, may be a different alternative for those who want to watch the human and state effects instead of the natural structure of ocean life.